Thargrad Klardens, Dwarf Physician

Thargrad is an Imperial Dwarf, child of a wholly unimportant family in the Dwarf district of Altdorf. His parents died when he was young so he and his siblings were thrown onto the charity of their clan - the Unboki. The Unboki are meanspirited though, so the charity was thin indeed and life was hard for them. Unsurprisingly, Kanna - the eldest - escaped as soon as she came of age (35 for a Dwarf). The Unboki - mean, petty and grasping as they are - saw this as gross ingratitude and revenged themselves upon Thargrad by selling him as an indentured apprentice to a local Rat Catcher despite Thargrad having begun training as a Physician. The only part of his new life that Thargrad liked were the dogs - everything else he unremittingly detested. Thargrad's parents had been unusual for the Unboki - being generous, well educated and kind to all. The meanness of the clan had been a calamity for Thargrad, but the nasty, brutish, selfish life of the Rat Catcher was a huge culture shock for him and he begin to sink into deep depression. Kanna during her frequent visits with Thargrad easily noticed this downward spiral but was at a loss how to help as she could not afford to buy Thargrad's contract. But then Hatto asked Kanna to go to Ubersreik with him, creating a potential escape for Thargrad which he (with Bax his dog) gladly took. As they journeyed to Ubersreik, they discussed Thargrad's future and Hatto proposed sponsoring Thargrad's pursuing the career of a Physician as he would likely need a physician on his travels. It was just what Thargrad wanted, so he leapt at the offer and was apprenticed to a phyiscian when they got to Ubersreik. Three years later, having qualified, he set off with Hatto, Cintoria and Kanna.

Fate 2 (Fortune 2); Current Status: Silver 3
Age: 43; Height: 4'9"; Build: Wide; Hair: Black braided ponytail; Eyes: Hazel
Motivation: wander lust
Short-term Ambition: Read Hortensia Puddlefoot’s book "Common Herbal and General Concordance of Regional Herb Names" and learn Lore (Herbs)
Long-term Ambition: create a practice where he can research
Movement 3; Walk 6; Run 12
XP: starting: 2,000, earnt 400, spent 2,395


* Species: Magic Resistance, Night Vision, Read/Write, Resolute Suave (+5 Fel), Sturdy
changed Resolute to Suave
* 1st Career: Rat Catcher 1 - Rat Hunter: Resistance (Disease)
* 2nd Career: Physician 1 - Physician’s Apprentice: Field Dressing, Strike to Stun
* 3rd Career: Physician 2 - Physician: Surgery
* Planned next career Physician 3 - Doktor
Careers & Advances
  1. Species: +5 Cool, +5 Endurance, +3 Language (Khazalid), +3 Lore (Dwarfs), +3 Melee (Basic), +5 Trade (Physician)
  2. Rat Catcher 1 - Rat Hunter
      gratis stats & talents: +5 WS, Resistance (Disease)
      beginning xp stats: +5 BS (125), +5 WP (125)
      gratis skills: +5 Animal Training (Dog), +5 Athletics, +5 Endurance, +5 Haggle, +5 Melee (Basic), +5 Ranged (Sling), +5 Stealth (Underground), +5 Trade (Rat Catcher)
  3. Physician 1 - Physician’s Apprentice (100xp completed Rat Hunter, 100 different class)
      beginning xp stats & talents: +5 Dex (125), +5 Int (125), +5 WP (125), Field Dressing (100), Strike to Stun (100)
      beginning xp skills: +5 Drive (50), +5 Gossip (50), +5 Heal (50), +5 Lore (Medicine) (50), +5 Perception (50)
  4. Physician 2 - Physician (100xp completed Physician’s Apprentice)
      beginning xp: stats & talents: +5 Int (150) +10 Fel (225), Surgery (100)
      beginning xp: skills: +1 Animal Care (20), +5 Heal (75)
      earnt xp: skills: +5 Cool (75), +1 Language (Battle) (20), +3 Language (Classical) (30), +10 Lore (Anatomy) (125), +5 Lore (Medicine) (75), +5 Trade (Physician) (75)

Henchman: Bax, a Nordland Terrier

Trappings - Money - 2GC, 8/30
Class - Burgher: Cloak, Clothing, Dagger, Hat, Pouch, Sling Bag containing Lunch
Rat Hunter: Sling with Ammunition, Sack, Small but Vicious Dog
Physician’s Apprentice: Bandages, Healing Draught
Physician: Book (Medicine), Guild Licence, Trade Tools (Medicine)
Encumbrance: Limit 9 (base 7 +2 Sturdy); current 8
worn: Backpack 1, Cloak 0, Clothing 0, Leather Jack 0, Leather Leggings 0, Leather Skullcap 0, Quality (Lightweight) Mail Chausses 1, Quality (Lightweight) Mail Coat 1, Quality (Lightweight) Mail Coif 0, Quality (Lightweight) Metal Breastplate 1, Quality (Lightweight) Helm 0
carried: Dagger (Boot) 0, Guild Licence 0, Knuckledusters 0, Pouch 0, Shield 1, Sling 0, Sling Bag 1, Warhammer 1, Tent 2
containers: Backpack: Book (Medicine) 1, spare clothing 1, waterskin 1, weeks' rations 1, ; Pouch: Box with flint steel & tinder 0, 20 lead sling bullets 0; Sling bag: 12 bandages 1, healing draught 0, pewter stein 0, Trade tools (Medicine) 1


For starting stats, I used the option of 100 points (step 3, pg33) assigned 5 to BS & Dex, 15 to Int & Fel and 10 to everything else.
Dwarf M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Starting 3 40 25 30 40 30 20 35 35 50 25 16
Talents 5 5
Rat Hunter 5 5 5
5 5 5
Physician 5 10
Total 3 45 30 30 40 30 20 40 50 60 40 17

Skills - Advanced skills in bold

  Base Species Rat
Physician Total
Animal Care (Int) 50 - - - 1 51
Animal Training (Dog) (Int) 50 - 5 - - 55
Art (Dex) 40 - - - - 40
Athletics (Agi) 20 - 5 - - 25
Bribery (Fel) 40 - - - - 40
Charm (Fel) 40 - - - - 40
Charm Animal (WP) 60 - - - - 60
Climb (S) 30 - - - - 30
Cool (WP) 60 5 - - 5 70
Dodge (Agi) 20 - - - - 20
Drive (Agi) 20 - - 5 - 25
Endurance (T) 40 5 5 - - 50
Entertain (Fel) 40 - - - - 40
Gamble (Int) 50 - - - - 50
Gossip (Fel) 40 - - 5 - 45
Haggle (Fel) 40 - 5 - - 45
Heal (Int) 50 - - 5 5 60
Intimidate (S) 30 - - - - 30
Intuition (I) 30 - - - - 30
Language (Battle) (Int) 50 - - - 1 51
Language (Classical) (Int) 50 - - - 3 53
Language (Khazalid) (Int) 50 3 - - - 53
Leadership (Fel) 40 - - - - 40
Lore (Dwarves) (Int) 50 3 - - - 53
Lore (Anatomy) (Int) 50 - - - 10 60
Lore (Medicine) (Int) 50 - - 5 5 60
Melee (Basic) (WS) 45 3 5 - - 53
Navigation (I) 30 - - - - 30
Outdoor Survival (Int) 50 - - - - 50
Perception (I) 30 - - 5 - 35
Ranged (Sling) (BS) 30 - 5 - - 35
Ride (Agi) 20 - - - - 20
Row (S) 30 - - - - 30
Stealth (Underground) (Agi) 20 - 5 - - 25
Trade (Physician) (Dex) 40 5 - - 5 50
Trade (Rat Catcher) (Dex) 40 - 5 - - 45


Changes to Physician Career
* Add Haggle, Trade (Physician) to level 1
* Move Lore (Medicine) to level 1
* Add Language (Classical), Lore (Herbs) to level 2


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