Hatto von Unger, Alchemist

Hatto von Unger is the fourth child of a noble family holding lands around Ubersreik. With no prospects, his family were happy to allow him to pursue his fascination with Alchemy. However, they weren't quite as happy when he began to manifest signs of Magic and when it could be denied no longer, the family had no choice but to send him to the College of Magic in Altdorf. Having joined the Gold College, as part of his studies he created and bound Raark, his mechanical raven familiar and first met Cintoria when she stopped in Altdorf on her pilgrimage to Tilea. Although Hatto had just passed his final exam, completing his apprenticeship and becoming a Wizard, one of his friends had failed and taken her own life in a fit of despair. At the Temple of Morr seeking solace, Cintoria had approached the praying Hatto offering counsel and suport. Surprisingly to Hatto, Cintoria provided tremendous comfort to him and, when he left the temple, he was a changed man. Previously the gods had not meant much to him, but now, he understood the purpose that Morr could give him - something that he hadn't known he needed until now. He convinced Cintoria to vow that, when she returned to the Empire, she would seek Hatto out at his family's home in Ubersreik. It took Cintoria two years to fulfill her vow and when she did, she found Hatto had himself changed. No longer the overweight student, he was now a fit, vital young man, ready and eager to help Cintoria with her god-given duties.

Fate 4 (Fortune 4); Current Status: Silver 4 (Noble)
Age: 21; Height: 5'11"; Build: Wiry; Hair: None; Eyes: Blue
Motivation: help Cintoria serve Morr
Short-term Ambition: Investigate the inheritance in Bogenhafen
Long-term Ambition: get lands so he can have his own tower built
Movement 4; Walk 8; Run 16
XP: starting: 2,000, earnt 400, spent 2,370


* Species: Doomed ("Your remains shall never be found"), Savvy (+5 Int); 3 random: Coolheaded (+5 WP), Craftsman (Alchemist), Noble Blood
* 1st Career - Mundane Alchemist 1: Tinkerer: Concoct, Read/Write
* 2nd Career - Alchemist 1: Alchemist Apprentice: Aethyric Attunement, Petty Magic (Dart, Light, Open Lock, Purify Water), Second Sight
* 3rd Career - Alchemist 2: Alchemist: Arcane Magic (Chamon [Gold]), Lore of Metal (Enchant Weapon, Goldsteel Shielding, Metal Mended), Arcane Magic (Succour Magical Servant)
* Planned 4th career Alchemist 3: Master Alchemist Magister Vigilant 2: Magister Vigilant
Careers & Advances
  1. Species - Human
      stats & talents: Savvy (+5 Int); Doomed ("Your remains shall never be found"); 3 random: Coolheaded (+5 WP), Craftsman (Alchemist), Noble Blood
      skills: +3 Animal Care, +3 Lore (Reikland), +3 Leadership, +5 Evaluate, +5 Cool, +5 Melee (Polearm)
  2. Mundane Alchemist 1: Tinkerer
      gratis stats & talents: +5 T, Read/Write
      gratis skills:+5 Dodge, +5 Gossip, +5 Haggle, +5 Language (Classical), +5 Lore (Chemistry), +5 Lore (Science), +5 Trade (Alchemist), +5 Trade (Poisoner)
      beginning xp: stats & talents: +5 Dex (125), +5 Int (125), Concoct
  3. Alchemist 1: Alchemist Apprentice (100xp, completed Mundane Alchemist 1: Tinkerer)
      beginning xp: stats & talents: +5 WP (125), Aethyric Attunement (100), Petty Magic (Dart, Eavesdrop, Light, Open Lock, Purify Water) (100), Second Sight (100)
      beginning xp: skills: +5 Channelling (Chamon) (50), +5 Intuition (50), +5 Language (Magick) (50), +5 Lore (Magic) (50)
  4. Alchemist 2: Alchemist (100xp, completed Alchemist Apprentice)
      beginning xp: stats & talents: +5 T (150), Arcane Magic (Chamon [Gold]) (100), Lore of Metal (Enchant Weapon [WoM 74], Goldsteel Shielding [WoM 76], Metal Mended [WoM 76]) (300)
      beginning xp: skills: +5 Channeling (Chamon) (75), +5 Lore (Magic) (75), +5 Melee (Polearm) (75), +5 Trade (Goldsmith) (50)
      earnt xp: stats & talents: Arcane Magic (Succour Magical Servant [WoM 27]) (100), Master Tradesman (Alchemist) (100)
      earnt xp: skills: +5 Cool (75), +1 Language (Battle) (20), +5 Language (Magick) (75), +10 Research (125), +5 Trade (Alchemist) (50 -5xp Craftsman Talent)
Trappings - Money - 12GC, 14/43
Class - Academic: Clothing, Dagger, Pouch, Sling Bag containing Writing Kit and 8 parchment sheets
Mundane Alchemist 1: Tinkerer: Book (Blank), Leather Jerkin, Pestle and Mortar, Test Tubes and Alembic, Tripod, Writing Kit
Alchemist 1: Alchemist Apprentice: Grimoire, Staff
Alchemist 2: Alchemist: Magical Licence, Portable Alchemical Laboratory, Practical Robes
Encumbrance: Limit 6; current 6
worn: Backpack 1, Hooded cloak 0, Practical robes 0, Quality (Lightweight) Mail Coat 1, Quality (Lightweight) Mail Coif 0, Quality (Lightweight) Mail Leggings 1
carried: Dagger (Belt) 0, Magical License, Enchanted Staff 2, sling bag 1
containers: Backpack: Grimoire (Enchant Weapon, Goldsteel Shielding, Knot Untied, Metal Mended) 1, Grimoire (Create Familiar, Imbue Staff, Succour Magical Servant) 1, Nobles' clothing 1, non-descript clothing 1; Pouch: Box with flint steel & tinder 0; Sling bag: Weeks' rations 1, writing kit & 8 paper sheets 0


For the starting stats, I took the option of 100 points (step 3, pg33) and assigned 5 to BS, 15 to Dex and 10 each to the rest
Human M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Starting 4 30 25 30 30 30 30 35 30 30 30 15
Talents 5 5
Tinkerer 5 5 5
Alchemist Apprentice 5
Alchemist 5
Total 4 30 25 30 40 30 30 40 40 40 30 15

Skills - Advanced skills in bold

  Base Species Tinkerer Apprentice
Alchemist Total
Animal Care (Int) 40 3 - - - 43
Art (Dex) 40 - - - - 40
Athletics (Agi) 30 - - - - 30
Bribery (Fel) 30 - - - - 30
Channeling (Chamon) (WP) 40 - - 5 5 50
Charm (Fel) 30 - - - - 30
Charm Animal (WP) 40 - - - - 40
Climb (S) 30 - - - - 30
Cool (WP) 40 5 - - - 45
Dodge (Agi) 30 - 5 - - 35
Drive (Agi) 30 - - - - 30
Endurance (T) 40 - - - - 40
Entertain (Fel) 30 - - - - 30
Evaluate (Int) 40 5 - - - 45
Gamble (Int) 40 - - - - 40
Gossip (Fel) 30 - 5 - - 35
Haggle (Fel) 30 - 5 - - 35
Intimidate (S) 30 - - - - 30
Intuition (I) 30 - - 5 - 35
Language (Battle) (Int) 40 - - - 1 41
Language (Classical) (Int) 40 - 5 - - 45
Language (Magick) (Int) 40 - - 5 5 50
Leadership (Fel) 30 3 - - - 33
Lore (Chemistry) (Int) 40 - 5 - - 45
Lore (Magic) (Int) 40 - - 5 5 50
Lore (Reikland) (Int) 40 3 - - - 43
Lore (Science) (Int) 40 - 5 - - 45
Melee (Polearm) (WS) 30 5 - - 5 40
Navigation (I) 30 - - - - 30
Outdoor Survival (Int) 40 - - - - 40
Perception (I) 30 - - - - 30
Research (Int) 40 - - - 10 50
Ride (Agi) 30 - - - - 30
Row (S) 30 - - - - 30
Stealth (Agi) 30 - - - - 30
Trade (Alchemist) (Dex) 40 - 5 - 5 50
Trade (Goldsmith) (Dex) 40 - - - 5 45
Trade (Poisoner) (Dex) 40 - 5 - - 45



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