Kanna Klardens, Dwarf Engineer

Kanna Klardens was born and raised in Altdorf and, when she was orphaned at a young age, Kanna and her younger siblings were raised on the charity of her clan - the Unboki - which was unfortunately scant. So, when she came of age (which for Dwarfs is 35), nobody cared or objected when she enrolled as an apprentice with the Imperial Engineers’ School in Altdorf rather than the Dwarf Engineer's Guild. Kanna had chosen the School over the Guild because of the School's wide-spread reputation for innovation whereas the Guild was (in)famous for its traditional approach. Kanna excelled at the School and after completing her studies qualified as an Engineer, she took up a junior teaching post at the School. It was in this post that she first met Hatto von Unger, a new student at the Gold College of Magic who came to the Engineers' School for some classes. Somewhat surprisingly to both of them, they hit it off immediately and became fast friends. They were such good friends that when Hatto completed his training, he asked Kanna if she wanted to come to Ubersreik with him. Having become somewhat bored in Altdorf, Kanna readily agreed and when she arrived in Ubersreik set up her own Engineering office. Three years later, she sold up and set off with Hatto, Cintoria and her brother.

Fate 2 (Fortune 2); Status: Silver 4
Age: 48; Height: 5'6"; Build: Thick; Hair: Blonde braids; Eyes: Copper
Motivation: curiousity
Short-term Ambition: Plan a rotating Blunderbuss
Long-term Ambition: found her own workshop
Movement 3; Walk 6; Run 12
XP: starting: 2,000, earnt 400, spent 2,400


* Species: Magic Resistance, Night Vision, Read/Write, Resolute Accurate Shot, Sturdy
* 1st Career : Engineer 1 - Student Engineer: Gunner (see bottom of page), Tinker
* 2nd Career : Engineer 2 - Engineer: Craftsman (Engineer), Etiquette (Guilder), Marksman (+5 BS)
* 3rd Career : Engineer 3 - Master Engineer: Master Tradesman (Engineering)
* Planned 4th career : Coachman or Soldier
Careers & Advances
  1. Species: +5 Cool, +5 Endurance, +5 Trade (Engineer), +3 Evaluate, +3 Language (Khazalid), +3 Lore (Dwarfs)
  2. Engineer 1 - Student Engineer
      gratis stats & talents: +5 BS, Tinker
      gratis skills: +5 Cool, +10 Drive, +5 Endurance, +5 Language (Classical), +5 Lore (Engineer), +5 Perception, +5 Ranged (Blackpowder)
      beginning xp stats & talents: +5 Dex (125), +5 Int (125), Gunner (100)
  3. Engineer 2 - Engineer (100xp completed Laboratory Assistant)
      beginning xp: stats & talents: +5 BS (150), +5 Dex (150), +5 Int (150), Craftsman (Engineer) (100), Etiquette (Guilder) (100), Marksman (+5 BS) (100)
      beginning xp: skills: +5 Cool (75), +5 Language (Guilder) (50), +5 Lore (Engineer) (75), +5 Perception (75), +10 Ranged (Engineering) (125), +10 Research (125), +5 Trade (Engineering) (50 [-5 Craftsman (Engineer)])
  4. Engineer 3 - Master Engineer (100xp completed Engineer 2 - Engineer)
      beginning xp: stats & talents: Master Tradesman (Engineering) (100)
      beginning xp: skills: +5 Lore (Engineer) (100), +5 Trade (Engineer) (75 [-5 Craftsman (Engineer)])
      earnt xp: stats & talents: +5 BS (200). +2 Int (80)
      earnt xp: skills: +5 Ranged (Engineering) (100), +1 Language (Battle) (20)
Trappings - Money - 1GC, 27/60x
Class - Academic: Clothing, Dagger, Pouch, Sling Bag containing Writing Kit and 7 sheets of Parchment
Engineer 1 - Student Engineer: Book (Engineer), Hammer and Spikes
Engineer 2 - Engineer: Guild Licence, Trade Tools
Engineer 3 - Master Engineer: Workshop
Encumbrance: Limit 9 (base 7 +2 Sturdy); current 9
worn: Backpack 1, Bandoleer (12 shots) 0, Cloak 0, Clothing 0, Leather Jack 0, Leather Leggings 0, Leather Skullcap 0, Quality (Lightweight) Mail Coat 1, Quality (Lightweight) Mail Coif 0, Quality (Lightweight) Mail Leggings 1, Quality (Lightweight) Metal Breastplate 1, Open Helm 0
carried: Dagger (Belt) 0, Dagger (Boot) 0, Quality (Lightweight) Rotating Pistol 1*, Pouch 0, Quality (Lightweight) Rotating Handgun 2*, Sling Bag 1, Warhammer 1
containers: Backpack: Blunderbuss 1, Small shot & powder 0, Bullet and Powder (12), Trade tools (Engineer) 1, Sealskin coat 1, Spare clothing 1; Pouch: Box with flint steel & tinder 0, Bullet and Powder (12); Sling bag: Pewter stein, Waterskin 1, Week's rations 1
* - see bottom of page for 'some' detail on the rotating guns


For starting stats, I took the option of 100 points (step 3, pg33) assigned 5 to WS, 15 to BS and 10 to everything else.
Dwarf M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Starting 3 35 35 30 40 30 20 40 35 45 20 15
Talents 5
5 5 5
Engineer 5 5 5
5 2
Total 3 35 55 30 40 30 20 50 47 45 20 15

Skills - Advanced skills in bold

  Base Species Student
Engineer Master
Art (Dex) 40 - - - - 40
Athletics (Agi) 20 - - - - 20
Bribery (Fel) 20 - - - - 20
Charm (Fel) 20 - - - - 20
Charm Animal (WP) 45 - - - - 45
Climb (S) 30 - - - - 30
Cool (WP) 45 5 5 5 - 60
Dodge (Agi) 20 - - - - 20
Drive (Agi) 20 - 10 - - 30
Endurance (T) 40 5 5 - - 50
Entertain (Fel) 20 - - - - 20
Evaluate (Int) 47 3 - - - 50
Gamble (Int) 47 - - - - 47
Gossip (Fel) 20 - - - - 20
Haggle (Fel) 20 - - - - 20
Intimidate (S) 30 - - - - 30
Intuition (I) 30 - - - - 30
Language (Battle) (Int) 47 - - - 1 48
Language (Classical) (Int) 47 - 5 - 52
Language (Guilder) (Int) 47 - - 5 52
Language (Khazalid) (Int) 47 3 - - - 50
Leadership (Fel) 20 - - - - 20
Lore (Dwarves) (Int) 47 3 - - - 50
Lore (Engineer) (Int) 47 - 5 5 5 62
Melee (Basic) (WS) 35 - - - - 35
Navigation (I) 30 - - - - 30
Outdoor Survival (Int) 45 - - - - 45
Perception (I) 30 - 5 5 - 40
Ranged (Blackpowder) (BS) 55 - 5 - - 60
Ranged (Engineering) (BS) 55 - - 10 5 70
Research (Int) 47 - - 5 - 52
Ride (Agi) 20 - - - - 20
Row (S) 30 - - - - 30
Stealth (Agi) 20 - - - - 20
Trade (Engineer) (Dex) 40 5 - 5 5 55


inspirational image for rotators

Kanna's Inventions: rotating handgun & pistol

Kanna has made her own repeating Handgun (musket like shoulder arm) and Pistol. Both have four cylinders that hold shot and powder. After firing the cylinders are manually rotated so that the next loaded cylinder is in line with the firing mechanism and trigger. This is a two-handed operation - one hand holds the weapon, while the second does the rotation.

For the Gunner talent, I'm using the LAWhammer version:
Max. DexB
Boon. Ranged (Blackpowder)
Skill. Ranged (Blackpowder)
You know how to safely handle your blackpowder weapon. You can ignore +Gunner misfires per session.


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