Raark, Raven Familiar

Raark is the mechanical raven power familiar* of Hatto von Unger the Gold Wizard companion of Cintoria Peneskall.
    * - see Winds of Magic pg180-188

Fate 2 (Fortune 2); Resilience 1 (Resolve 1); Current Status: n/a
Movement 2; Walk 4; Run 8; Fly 40
XP: starting: 1,000, earnt 200, spent 1,150

Talents & Traits

* Species traits: Little, Magical, Magical Assistant, Read/Write, Savvy (+5 Int), Second Sight, Suffuse with (Chamon), Weapon (Beak) +4; changed Weapon (Dagger) to (Beak)
* 1st Career - Newly Conjured: Coolheaded (+5 WP), Magical Sense
* 2nd Career - Power Familiar: Sixth Sense
Careers & Advances
  1. Spell Familiar 1 - Newly Conjured
      gratis talents: Little, Magical, Magical Assistant, Read/Write, Savvy (+5 Int), Second Sight, Suffuse with (Hysh), Weapon (Beak) +4
      gratis skills: +5 Athletics, +5 Dodge, +3 Intuition, +3 Lore (Magic), +3 Melee (Basic), +5 Research
      beginning xp: stats & talents: +5 Dex (125), +5 Int (125), +5 WP (125), Coolheaded (+5 WP) (100), Magical Sense (100)
      beginning xp skills: +5 Cool (50), +5 Endurance (50), +2 Intuition (20), +1 Language (Magick) (10), +2 Lore (Magic) (20), +2 Melee (Basic) (20), +5 Perception (50)
  2. Spell Familiar 2 - Power Familiar (completed Newly Conjured 100xp)
      beginning xp stats & talents: Sixth Sense (100)
      beginning xp skills: +3 Perception (45), +4 Research (60)
      earnt xp stats & talents: +3 I (75)
      earnt xp skills: +2 Lore (Magic), +2 Perception (30), +1 Research (15)

Trappings - None

Encumbrance: Limit 4; current 0


For starting stats, I used step 3 on WFRP pg33, using 100pts for all stats and put 5 into WS + BS, 10 into all the other stats
Familiar M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Starting 2 (40) 15 15 20 20 30 30 30 40 40 20 9
Talents 5 5
Newly Conjured 5 5 5
Power Familiar 3
Total 2 (40) 15 15 20 20 33 30 35 50 50 20 9

Skills - Advanced skills in bold

  Base Species Newly Conjured Power Familiar Total
Art (Dex) 35 - - - 35
Athletics (Agi) 30 5 - - 35
Bribery (Fel) 20 - - - 20
Charm (Fel) 20 - - - 20
Charm Animal (WP) 50 - - - 50
Climb (S) 20 - - - 20
Cool (WP) 50 - 5 - 55
Dodge (Agi) 30 5 - - 35
Drive (Agi) 30 - - - 30
Endurance (T) 20 - 5 - 25
Entertain (Fel) 20 - - - 20
Gamble (Int) 50 - - - 50
Haggle (Fel) 20 - - - 20
Intimidate (S) 20 - - - 20
Intuition (I) 33 3 2 - 38
Language (Magick) (Int) 50 - 1 - 51
Leadership (Fel) 20 - - - 20
Lore (Magic) (Int) 50 3 2 2 57
Melee (Basic) (WS) 15 3 2 - 20
Navigation (I) 33 - - - 33
Outdoor Survival (Int) 50 - - - 50
Perception (I) 33 - 5 5 43
Research (Int) 50 5 - 5 60
Ride (Agi) 30 - - - 30
Row (S) 20 - - - 20
Stealth (Agi) 30 - - - 30


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