Cintoria Perneskall, Warrior Priest of Morr

Cintoria was born into a family of barge owner-operators on the River Reik where she had a happy, stable childhood. When she was 15, she was selected for conscription into the Imperial Riverwarden service for a three year term. The last month of her service saw Cintoria at a loss for what to do when her term was up, when her near-death at the hands of a zombie boatcrew became an epipihany. She knew that her fate was to be a vessel for Morr's holy vengeance on the unliving. As she recovered, Cintoria spoke many times with a sympathetic Priest of Morr who told her of the Fellowhip of the Shroud (WFRP 2e Sigmar's Heirs pg35) and their headquarters at Castle Monte Negro in Tilea. Cintoria's epic pilgrimage there bolstered her faith enormously and an interview with the Fellowship's Grand Commander saw her inducted into the Order of the Knights of the Raven (WFRP 2e Night's Dark Masters pg99) - a Warrior Priest of Morr. When she left, two years later, it was with purpose and a companion for her journeys, the Verhungern Geisthund Haali.
Note: Cintoria has a 'hard' C as in catcher, not a 'soft' C as in circle

Fate 4 (Fortune 4); Current Status: Silver 2
Age: 22; Height: 5'8"; Build: Solid; Hair: Auburn braids; Eyes: Grey
Motivation: serve the cult of Morr
Short-term Ambition: check with The Temple of Morr in Bogenhafen for communications
Long-term Ambition: create a temple-repository of Lore for The Knights of the Raven
Movement 4; Walk 8; Run 16
XP: starting: 2,000, earnt 400, spent 2,370


* Species: Doomed ("As the sun is setting, so shall you rest"), Savvy (+5 Int); 3 random: Coolheaded (+5 WP), Very Resilient (+5 T), Warrior Born (+5 WS)
* 1st Career - Riverwarden 1: River Recruit - Very Strong (+5 S)
* 2nd Career - Warrior Priest 1: Novitiate - Bless (Morr), Read/Write, Morrian Dreams
        OOC: I've given Morrian Dreams as a plot device, so no cost, see bottom of page for details
* 3rd Career - Warrior Priest 2: Warrior Priest - Invoke (Morr: Last Rites, Stay Morr's Hand)
Careers & Advances
  1. Species: +3 Animal Care, +3 Charm, +3 Lore (Reikland), +5 Cool, +5 Leadership, +5 Melee (Basic)
  2. Riverwarden 1 - River Recruit
      gratis stats & talents: +5 BS, Very Strong
      gratis skills: +5 Athletics, +5 Dodge, +5 Endurance, +5 Melee (Basic), +5 Perception, +5 Row, +5 Sail, +5 Swim
      beginning xp: +5 S (125), +5 Fel (125)
  3. Warrior Priest 1 - Novitiate (200xp to change [completed River Recruit 100xp, changed class 100xp])
      beginning xp: stats & talents: +5 WS (125), +5 T (125), +5 WP (125), Bless (Morr) (100), Read/Write (100), Morrian Dreams (see bottom of page)
      beginning xp: skills: +1 Animal Training (Dog) (20), +5 Language (Classical) (50), +5 Lore (Theology) (50), +5 Pray (50), +5 Trade (Mortician) (50)
  4. Warrior Priest 2 - Warrior Priest (completed Novitiate 100xp)
      beginning xp: stats & talents: +5 WS (150), Invoke (Morr: Last Rites, Stay Morr's Hand) (200)
      beginning xp: skills: +5 Cool (75), +5 Endurance (75), +5 Language (Battle) (50), +5 Leadership (75), +2 Lore (Theology) (30)
      earnt xp: skills: +3 Lore (Theology) (45), +5 Lore (undead) (50), +5 Melee (Basic) (75), +5 Pray (75), +10 Ranged (Gunpowder) (125), +5 Trade (Mortician) (75)

Henchman: Haali, a Verhungern Geisthund

Trappings - Money:   1GC, 12/9
Class - Riverfolk: Cloak, Clothing, Dagger, Pouch, Sling Bag (Flask of Spirits)
River Recruit: Hand Weapon (Sword), Leather Jack, Riverwarden uniform
Class - Warrior: Clothing, Hand Weapon (Shield), Dagger, Pouch
Novitiate: Book (The Book of Doorways), Leather Jerkin Leggings, Religious Symbol (Silver Portal), Robes, Weapon (Mace)
Warrior Priest: Metal Breastplate, Weapon (Pistol)
other: Open helm
Encumbrance: Limit 8; current 8
worn: Backpack 1, Cloak 0, Clothing 0, Leather Jack 0, Leather Leggings 0, Leather Skullcap 0, Open Helm 0, Quality (Lightweight) Mail Chausses 1, Quality (Lightweight) Mail Coat 1, Quality (Lightweight) Mail Coif 0, Quality (Lightweight) Metal Breastplate 1
carried: Dagger (Belt) 0, Dagger (Boot) 0, Mace 1, Pistol 0, Pouch 0, Shield 1, Sling Bag 1, Sword 1, small tent 1
containers: Backpack: Book of Doorways 1, priestess robes 1, riverwarden uniform 1, spare clothing 1; Pouch: Box with flint steel & tinder 0, Powder & shot (24); Sling bag: waterskin 1, weeks' rations 1, healers' kit 0


For starting stats, I used step 3 on WFRP pg33, using 100pts for all stats, put 15 into WS, 5 to Dex and 10 in each of the others
Human M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Starting 4 35 30 30 30 30 30 25 30 30 30 16
Talents 5 5 5 5 5
River Recruit 5 5 5
Novitiate 5 5 5
Warrior Priest 5
Total 4 50 35 40 40 30 30 25 35 40 35 16

Skills - Advanced skills in bold

  Base Species River Recruit Novitiate Warrior Priest Total
Animal Care (Int) 35 3 - - - 38
Animal Training (Dog) (Int) 35 - - 1 - 36
Art (Dex) 25 - - - - 25
Athletics (Agi) 30 - 5 - - 35
Bribery (Fel) 35 - - - - 35
Charm (Fel) 35 3 - - - 38
Charm Animal (WP) 40 - - - - 40
Climb (S) 40 - - - - 40
Cool (WP) 40 5 - - 5 50
Dodge (Agi) 30 - 5 - - 35
Drive (Agi) 30 - - - - 30
Endurance (T) 40 - 5 - 5 50
Entertain (Fel) 35 - - - - 35
Gamble (Int) 35 - - - - 35
Gossip (Fel) 35 - - - - 35
Haggle (Fel) 35 - - - - 35
Intimidate (S) 40 - - - - 40
Intuition (I) 30 - - - - 30
Language (Battle) (Int) 35 - - - 5 31
Language (Classical) (Int) 35 - - 5 - 40
Leadership (Fel) 40 5 - - 5 50
Lore (Reikland) (Int) 35 3 - - - 38
Lore (Theology) (Int) 35 - - 5 5 45
Lore (Undead) (Int) 35 - - - 5 40
Melee (Basic) (WS) 50 5 5 - - 60
Navigation (I) 30 - - - - 30
Outdoor Survival (Int) 35 - - - - 35
Perception (I) 30 - 5 - - 35
Pray (Fel) 35 - - 5 5 45
Ranged (Blackpowder) (BS) 35 - - 10 45
Ride (Agi) 30 - - - - 30
Row (S) 40 - 5 - - 45
Sail (Barge) (Agi) 30 - 5 - - 35
Swim (S) 40 - 5 - - 45
Stealth (Agi) 30 - - - - 30
Trade (Mortician) (Dex) 25 - - 5 5 35


New Talent from pg35 of WFRP 2e Shades of Empire

Morrian Dreams
    You have prophetic dreams, generally about a single theme, such as the Undead, or Chaos, or Greenskins. These dreams warn you of threats to the Old World that you and your friends could confront. While the dreams are often lacking in detail, they contain enough information to get you to the right place at the right time; very occasionally, they may also be slightly helpful in dealing with the problem. However, this rarely goes beyond providing the first clue; most of the effort is down to you and your friends.
    You do not have prophetic dreams all the time, and sometimes you dream about different topics. In any case, you have no control over the dreams at all; you cannot try to dream about a particular situation.
    Any character may take this talent, by paying 100 xp for it in the usual way, at any time, regardless of current career. Humans regard those with this talent as touched by Morr, or possibly just touched.



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